Break Free
From Depression!
Discover lasting relief from treatment-resistant depression with Magstim TMS Therapy at TMS Long Island.

Magstim TMS Therapy
It’s time to win the battle of depression with Magstim TMS Therapy. We have helped many people who have continued to struggle with depression even when using antidepressant medications.
➤ Long lasting symptom relief covered by most insurance
➤ Over 2 million TMS treatments performed
➤ FDA ClearedÂ
➤ Non-drug, Non-invasive
➤ No side effects   Â
Schedule an appointment
TMS Therapy is now covered by all major insurance companies including Medicare, Highmark Blue Shield, Capital BlueCross Blue Shield, United Healthcare, and Aetna.

Myths about tms therapy
Myth: TMS is an experimental treatment
☺Fact: TMS has been around for almost a decade as a safe and effective treatment.
Myth: TMS is not covered by insurance.
☺Fact: TMS therapy is widely reimbursed by most commercial and government health plans, including Medicare and Tricare. We offer a free review of insurance benefits.
Myth: TMS is inconvenient.
☺Fact: TMS advanced therapy can be delivered in sessions lasting 19-37 minutes.

Myth: A helmet and mouth-guard must be used during TMS sessions.
☺Fact: TMS treatment sessions are an easy, in-office experience. A cap, helmet, or mouth guard is not required. During treatments, people are awake, alert, and comfortably reclined in a spa-like chair.
Myth: TMS is the same as ECT.
☺Fact: Unlike TMS, ECT (Electro-Convulsive Therapy) is an invasive treatment that requires general anesthesia. ECT side effects include memory loss, confusion, and nausea. Side effects such as these are not associated with TMS treatments.
Myth: There are many negative side effects.
☺Fact: Advanced TMS Therapy provides benefits without the side effects often associated with anti-depressant medication. The most common side effect is pain or discomfort at or near the treatment site.
The Science Of
How Magstim TMS Therapy Works

TMS uses a highly targeted magnetic pulse to stimulate nerve cells in the area of the brain thought to control mood, the left prefrontal cortex.

The targeted magnetic pulse field produced from the coil of the TMS machine is similar in strength to that of an MRI machine.

68% of patients respond to the treatment, while 45% maintain remission with no systemic side effects.

What is TMS?
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive, FDA-cleared treatment for depression and other mental health disorders.
The TMS treatment is extremely safe and effective and is overseen by a Board Certified Psychiatrist. A magnet with approximately the same strength of an MRI is used to stimulate underactive parts of the brain, ultimately restoring healthy brain function.
What makes TMS different?
As per a study, 50% to 60% of depression patients who have failed to receive benefit from medications experience an effective response with TMS treatment. About one-third of these individuals experience full remission. Most TMS patients feel better for many months after treatment stops, with the average length of the response being a little more than a year. TMS treatments doesn’t have any severe side effects.
Are there any side effects to TMS treatment?
Generally, TMS therapy is considered safe and well-tolerated; however, it can cause some side effects.
Mild to moderate Side Effects
Scalp discomfort at the point of stimulation
Tingling, spasms or twitching of facial muscles
Rare Side Effects
Mania, particularly in people with bipolar disorder
Hearing loss if there is inadequate ear protection during treatment
What are the benefits of having TMS therapy?
- Non-Invasive – nothing is inserted or implanted into the body
- Non-Systemic – nothing enters the bloodstream
- Non-Sedating – patient remains awake and alert during treatment and can resume usual routine
- Non-Drug – no drug-related side effects such as weight gain, drowsiness, sleeplessness, stomach upset or sexual problems
- Covered by Most Insurance Plans – we assist patients with the reimbursement and financing process
- FDA Cleared & Proven – 2 out of every 3 patients had a reduction in depression scores after a 4-week treatment period
How long does the treatment take?
TMS therapy sessions vary in length depending on the TMS coil used and the number of pulses. A typical session lasts 19 – 37 minutes. Patients receive TMS treatments 5 days a week. Generally, the TMS course varies depending on an individual’s response to treatment. A typical course of TMS is 4 to 6 weeks.
Do I need to be hospitalized for a course of TMS Therapy?
TMS does not require any sedation or general anesthesia, so patients are fully awake and aware during the treatment. There is no recovery time and patients can continue with their day to day activities right after treatment.
Why TMS Therapy is getting popular?
The demand for non-prescription depression treatment has grown in the recent past, and in response to the new trend, insurance companies have started covering the treatment. TMS treatment is the perfect non-drug alternative for depression, without the side effects.
Who cannot get TMS therapy?
Patients with any type of non-removable metal in their heads (with the exception of braces or dental fillings) should not receive TMS therapy.
Metal implants that can prevent a patient from receiving TMS Therapy include but are not limited to aneurysm clips or coils, stents in the neck or brain, deep brain stimulators, electrodes to monitor brain activity, metallic eye and/or ear implants,
shrapnel or bullet fragments in or near the head, facial tattoos with metallic or magnetic-sensitive ink, and other metal devices or objects implanted in or near the head.

Stephen M. Perret
M.D Medical Director
Dr. Stephen Perret is a child and adult psychiatrist. He trained at Mount Sinai Medical Center and the Albert Einstein-Long Island Jewish Medical Center Psychiatry program. He was voted into Nationwide Registry of Top Doctors of America 2022 for his proven track record and admiration from peers.

Kristin A. Perret
Ph.D Clinical Director
Kristin A. Perret, Ph.D. is a Clinical Psychologist specializing in children, adolescents, emerging adults, and families. Dr. P trained at Long Island Jewish Medical Center and Montefiore Medical Center.Â